Wednesday, August 24, 2011


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Here are a few pictures taken in Warsaw, Poland when I was there last month. I spent a month in Europe...mostly in Poland but we also visited Hungary, Slovakia, Germany and Czech Republic. I'll be uploading photos from the trip in the next couple weeks.

I'm wearing a vintage dress. Lately, all I've wanted to buy are adorable little dresses from the that's exactly what I've been doing! I love the bib thing (no other way to describe it) on this one.


Emily said...

Lovely pictures, Simone!

Hanna said...

your dress is super cute.

carla said...

Your dress is so so so pretty. I love vintage:)
I like your blog name.

Rachel said...

I love your dress. The color is stunning!

xx rk


the goorgeous said...

flower dresses ♥

Jenny said...

what did you make in europe? and in which country you life normally? :)

Satin and Souffles said...

I love that dress! Thrifting for vintage dresses is one of my passions :D I love the combination of chucks & a dress (One of my favourite styles)


bedroom sets said...

Do you have more great articles like this one? I appreciate the incredible dedication seen in this piece.

Anonymous said...

Bonne journée Simone !
marrante la robe !

lucy said...

lovely yellow dress!