Sunday, January 9, 2011

all I've got to do

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Ugh I know I have been away for a long time, I am terribly sorry! I feel like I've been saying much too often lately and haven't been following through, but I really will try to blog more often in the new year.

Anyways, I'm wearing a thrifted sweater and a beanie from SunDiego.

Listening to: Meet the Beatles. Favorite track: Not a Second Time.
Yesterday I went to a record show that comes through every few months, AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! I got so many great records (11 total) for awesome prices. I found Led Zeppelin III, which I've been looking for for almost 2 years now. I am so excited to eventually share them all!


Unknown said...

nice pics :)*

Hanna said...

I love it every time you update. worth waiting for. :)

Annabel said...

hey i recognize that skyline!:)

Anonymous said...

I know you're going to be mad when you find out I'm the one commenting and not some avid blogger, but I would just like to point out that I KNOW WHERE YOU'RE SITTING


Thekla said...

loveeee the post:) your puppy is simply amazing:)xx check it out :) hope you like it!if you want follow me i will follow back x